Newsletter Archive
2012 | Edition 5

Dear SHC Clients and Caregivers,
Our 25th year continues to amaze me as we reach new heights. After being named a top growing company in the St. Louis area, Seniors Home Care has made Inc. magazine’s Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing privately held businesses in the country. I am most proud that throughout this growth, SHC continues to serve each client with the individual focus, attention to detail and compassion that I founded this company on.
This feat is a direct link to you, our amazing family of clients and caregivers. Such honors would not be possible without our team of caregivers’ dedication to provide the highest quality of service and dignity. I extend equal gratitude to each of our clients and their loved ones for allowing us to be part of your lives. I look forward to using
our growth and experience to touch and improve many more lives for many more years.
Additionally, I invite everyone to visit our new website, which offers in-depth information on
our services and features wonderful pictures and videos of some of the stars of SHC – you!
Yours in service,
KitWhittington R.N., B.S.N.
Pneumococcal Pneumonia & Influenza Can Be Serious.
Pneumococcal and influenza immunizations have been shown to significantly decrease infections among those vaccinated.
Pneumococcal vaccine reduces the incidence of pneumonia and protects against developing serious infections in the bloodstream. Influenza vaccine is very effective in decreasing the incidence of influenza and rate of hospitalizations for influenza-related complications. However, it does not prevent the common cold or other viral upper respiratory infections that are not influenza.
Medication Changes at Hospital Discharge
A research study from the Duke University Medical Center has found that 96 percent of patients had their medication regimens changed while in the hospital. But less than half of those patients were explicitly told about dose changes or new medications when they were discharged. Sometimes people resume their old medication regimen when they get home, never realizing they should be taking new drugs or different dosages.
Prevention: when you leave the hospital, ask about how your drug regimen is changing. And be sure to take your discharge papersincluding your new drug list-to your next appointment with your primary care physician.
The Overwhelming Beneficial Impact Of Yearly Mamograms
Let's face it, ladies -- we all dread it when the time rolls around for our yearly mammograms. As unpleasant as it is to have this procedure performed, women are smart enough to realize the benefits of mammograms. They save lives. Breast cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer death in women in the United States. Mammography is the most powerful breast cancer detection tool around and can allow doctors to find breast cancer as early as possible, which can actually mean the difference between a curable disease and a terminal one. Fortunately, this earlier detection of breast cancer has led to a steady decrease in breast cancer deaths since 1990, supporting the benefits of mammograms. As you can see, the benefits of yearly mammograms far outweigh the uncomfortable test procedures, so be sure to schedule your yearly mammograms at your local breast clinic, hospital, mobile mammography vans, or private radiology offices. Source:
Almost everyone will need to use a first aid kit at some time.
Take the time to prepare a kit to have available for home and travel. First aid kits may be basic or comprehensive. What you need depends on your medical training and your distance from professional medical help. Ready-made first aid kits are commercially available from chain stores or outdoor retailers. But you can make a simple and inexpensive first aid kit yourself.
Home first aid kits are usually used for treating these types of minor traumatic injuries: Burns, Cuts, Abrasions (scrapes), Stings, Splinters, Sprains, Strains, Mild pain, Gastrointestinal problems, Skin problems, and Allergies.
Make sure you know how to properly use all of the items in your kit, especially the medications. Train others in your family to use the kit. You may be the one who needs first aid! Pack and use barrier items such as latex gloves to protect you from bodily fluids of others. Check the kit twice a year and replace expired drugs. Find out the phone number of your regional poison control center at the American Association of Poison Control Centers Web site and keep the number with your kit.
Are your smoke detectors properly located? At least one smoke detector should be placed on every floor of your home.
• Read the instructions that come with the smoke detector for advice on the best place to install it.
• Make sure detectors are placed near bedrooms, either on the ceiling or 6-12 inches below the ceiling on the wall.
• Locate smoke detectors away from air vents.
Do you have properly working smoke detectors?
Many home fire injuries and deaths are caused by smoke and toxic gases, rather than the fire itself. Smoke detectors provide an early warning and can wake you in the event of a fire.
• Purchase a smoke detector if you do not have one.
• Check and replace batteries and bulbs according to the manufacturer's instructions.
• Vacuum the grillwork of your smoke detector.
• Replace any smoke detectors which cannot be repaired.
NOTE: Some fire departments or local governments will provide assistance in acquiring or installing smoke detectors.
TKO Stove Knob Turner
Kitchen, safety and assistive device that turns stove and other knobs, faucets, valves and keys. Turning device for seniors or others with hand disabilities or arthritis. Can be used in a work or home environment on any non-round control knob or appliance handle.
When the turner is pressed onto a knob the pins contacting with the knob’s surface retract, while the remaining pins surround the knob for a secure grip.
Measures 2 1/4'' in diameter but can grip larger irregular-shaped knobs. The Tshaped handle, 5 1/4'' long, is ergonomically designed for ease of operation.
Apple Care
Everyone knows the old saying about how an apple a day can keep the doctor away, but that saying can now be amended to: "An apple a day helps the memory stay." Apples contain the antioxidant quercetin, which is thought to slow down Alzheimer's. Just don't skin your apple. The highest amount of quercetin is found on the apple's skin.