Newsletter Archive
2014 │ Edition 2

Dear Clients of SHC,
Welcome to Spring 2014! We officially celebrated the first day of this beautiful season last month. For many years, Seniors Home Care has honored our ten core values. I have decided to continue that tradition by using our newsletter as a vehicle to share the ten core values on a deeper level. This issue will make reference to Core Value #1- Integrity. Our team expresses integrity to our clients and to each other by making sure our deeds (actions) match our words (what we promise). At SHC, we assign each client a seasoned, cross-functional service team who strives to provide bonus years of healthy happy living in their own home, wherever that may be. Mutual respect for the entire professional and family team reveals our desire to create a healthy work/living environment.
Our compassionate and motivated team has grown in its ability to serve more clients this year. Please help maintain the integrity and dignity of someone you know by personally recommending our home care services. Thank you for your confidence.
Kit Whittington
Founder, RN, BSN
2014 Heart of the Community Awards 
Outstanding Business: Seniors Home Care
Seniors Home Care was honored to recieve the 2014 Heart of the Community Outstanding Business Award! The award was presented at the Webster Groves/Shrewsbury/Rock Hill Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet and Awards dinner on Feb. 7. The Heart of the Community Awards were created to recognize outstanding contributions by individuals, businesses, and organizations in the three communities served by the Chamber.
The First of Seniors Home Care’s 10 Core Values
Ethical, honest, and sincere, as evidenced by our words and deeds. I strive to hold myself to a standard of excellence in my care and my life.
At SHC, integrity means being true to ourselves and honest, upright and decent in our dealings with others. Guided by integrity, our actions align with our principles. Our conduct speaks more eloquently than words ever could. To acheive the highest quality of home care services, integrity is essential when caring for clients, their loved ones and fellow workers. It becomes the basis for both reputation and self respect. Integrity demands courage but delivers peace of mind.
Outdoor Walking Safety Tips
Getting Off To a Good Start
If you are new to exercise, here are some important health and safety tips so you can start your walking program off on the right foot.
Always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. He or she may require that you have a physical exam or give you special instructions based on your medical history.
Don't overdo it. Wear appropriate shoes, walking shouldn't hurt. If you experience any kind of muscle, joint, chest or head pain, see your family physician right away. Find a buddy, dress to be seen, walk facing the traffic, be aware of drivers and be aware of your surroundings.
What to Bring - It is a good idea to carry a cell phone (or alarm) in case you get into trouble. It can also be helpful to carry a walking stick (in case you need to fend off an unleashed dog) or umbrella (in case of sudden rain).
What NOT to Bring - Do not wear any jewelry that might draw someone’s attention. Do not wear headphones—they can prevent you from hearing oncoming traffic or someone coming up behind you. You should always be aware of what is happening in your environment.
By following these easy tips, you’ll make your walking experience as safe and enjoyable as possible!
Source : By Jen Mueller & Nicole Nichols, Fitness Experts
SHC Client Testimonials
From day one, I felt we were in high quality, professional hands. Administrative staff is as skilled as the caregivers; respectful, caring people who take pride in their work. Reliability is understood by all at SHC as a primary concern, along with kindness and skill. Our regular caregivers have those skills and more. They are part of our family. I seek their guidance and respect their opinions. The quality of life my husband has is only possible because of SHC caregivers that share our goals.Jan E.
Knowing some of the administration at SHC, I have recommend Seniors Home Care to several people. When my elderly mother needed care I called the wonderful people of SHC. When my wife's parents needed help we called SHC. They were compassionate, wonderful, attentive to our needs and very professional in helping my family. Now when I recommend SHC I can do so with the utmost confidence. They helped my family in times of need. I recommend them 100%!
Steve A.
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
National Stroke Awareness Month is an annual event held within the United States. The aim of National Stroke Awareness Month is to make all Americans aware that they may be able to ‘Save A Life’. Stroke Awareness programs place emphasis on making the public aware about acting FAST. According to the National Stroke Association, a person experiencing a stroke can be treated if people have acted FAST- 80% of strokes can also be prevented.
FAST is an acronym for things to check in a suspected stroke victim.
Face - Ask them to smile. Does the face look uneven?
Arm - Ask them to raise both arms. Does one arm drift down?
Speech - Ask them to repeat a simple phrase like “the sky is blue”. Does their speech sound strange?
Time - If you observe ANY of these signs, then it’s time to CALL 9-1-1.
Proper Medication Management
Medication management is one of the most important issues when caring for a senior. Whether you’re a family caregiver or working with a home health care agency, you should know about the prescriptions a senior is taking.
As we age, the number of medications we take, and our body’s sensitivity to them, tends to increase. Unmonitored interaction between medications can be dangerous.
We compiled common signs to watch for and rules to follow when practicing proper medication management.
Signs of Poorly Managed Medications
Random medicines and pills throughout the house
Outdated medication containers
Going through prescriptions too quickly
Abnormal confusion/disorientation
Healthy Medication Management Habits
Eat proper meals, drink enough water and limit alcohol consumption.
Stay organized. Use pillboxes and keep a comprehensive list of medications.
Physician involvement. Tell your doctor about all medications that you are taking, including those prescribed by others and over-the-counter supplements. Ask for a review of them.
Be aware. Take medications on time, watch for side effects, and ask questions.
If you or a loved one is having trouble maintaining healthy medication habits, please contact us. SHC offers many ways to ensure medication safety, which in turn, can reduce hospitalization.
Issues may be resolved simply by having a caregiver to provide on-time medication reminders and monitor for side effects as they carry out their tasks.
An SHC registered nurse can assist in duties such as medication set-ups or acting as an advocate during doctor’s appointments or hospital stays. Whatever your need, we’re here to help.
Source: SHC Blog