Newsletter Archive
2014 │ Edition 4

Dear Clients of SHC,
As a company, we highlight our 10 Core Values throughout the year. In this newsletter, we focus on SHC’s third Core Value – PLANNING.
I hope this newsletter, and others found on the archives page of our website, can help you plan and anticipate the needs of someone you care for. As always, if you have questions that require specific attention, please contact one of our four registered nurses in the office.
Thank you to all who supported us by participating in our second annual Community Shred Day. On Saturday, June 21, we greeted clients, friends and community members as The Shred Truck destroyed sensitive materials. If you still have questions about which documents are safe to shred and when, visit the blog section of our website.
Now, go forth and plan to be the best you can. Together, as a team, we will continue to change lives!
Ryan Whittington
Director of Operations
The THIRD of Seniors Home Care’s 10 Core Values
Anticipate future events and efficiently allocate resources.
Planning is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal. Planning is "an anticipatory decision making process" that helps in coping with complexities. It is deciding future course of action amongst alternatives. It is a process that involves making and evaluating each set of interrelated decisions. It is selection of missions, objectives and "translation of knowledge” into action.
Tips for Remembering Medications
Adherence is the fancy word for “following doctors’ orders.” What it really means, for most people, is remembering to take your medicine. It may sound simple, but as many as 50% of people do not take their medicine correctly. They forget doses, take medications at the wrong time, ignore instructions such as take on an empty stomach and even deliberately change doses.
The Pill Box - The simplest method is a pill box. You put your medicine in each little container for the day of the week. That way you know if you have taken your medicine or not. You can get simple pill boxes at your pharmacy. There are even pill boxes for people who need to take medication 3 times a day or more. The pill box is also a great way of seeing just how often you forget to take your medicine. You can’t argue with yesterday’s pill still sitting in the box.
Pill Placement - Out of site, out of mind is really true when it comes to medication. Place your medication out in the open (away from children, naturally) where you can see it.
The Silly Pat - Believe it or not, doing something silly just before you take your pills can help you remember your medicine everyday. Researchers actually tested this idea by having seniors, in a lab, put their hand on their head before doing repetitive memory tasks. When the seniors did this, they were able to remember the tasks better. So the idea is to do something unusual when you go to take your medicine (tap your head, knock on wood, anything involving touch). By adding in another sense, you’ll increase your chances of developing a habit of taking your medicine at that time.
Don't Forget Refills - Another reason people miss doses is because they forget to fill their refills. If you have a good pharmacy, they will call to remind you (but that is not always the case). Instead, put your refill dates on your calendar. This is especially important if you use a mail order pharmacy.
Garbage Disposal Don’ts
The most important rule of thumb: don’t put anything in the garbage disposal that is not biodegradable food. A garbage disposal is not a trash can; it’s for food scraps only. Non food items can damage both blades and the motor. When in doubt, throw it out!
- Don’t pour grease, oil or fat into your garbage disposal or drain. Grease will slowly accumulate and impede your garbage disposal’s grinding ability as well as clog drains.
- Don’t use hot water when grinding food waste. Hot water will cause grease to liquefy and accumulate, causing drains to clog.
- Don’t turn off the motor or water until grinding is completed. When grinding is complete, turn off the garbage disposal first. Let water continue to run for at least 15 seconds, flushing out any remaining particles. Then turn off water.
- Don’t put too many potato peels or rice down the garbage disposal. The starches in the potatoes will turn into a thick paste and may cause blades to stick.
- Don’t put large amounts of food down the garbage disposal. Large scraps should go in your trash.
Seniors Home Care has helped my family tremendously. They took care of several family members when caring for our loved ones became too difficult to handle on our own. We always felt as if Seniors Home Care was an extension of our family due to their kind gentle approach when taking care of our loved ones. Their professionalism, service and compassion is second to none. I would recommend their services to anyone without reserve. As a sales professional in the real estate business I can say that I not only recommend their services but I also learned a great deal from them while using their services. I am forever thankful for their help. Thank you Seniors Home Care!!
Peter V.
- Take time to get a flu vaccine. It is recommended that everyone 6 months of age and older receive a flu vaccine.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. Germs spread this way.
- Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
- Practice good health habits. Make certain to get plenty of sleep and exercise, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids and eat healthy food.
With just a few simple preventative tips, you can hopefully experience a flu-free 2014-2015.
Dangers of Grapefruit...and Other Medication Interactions to Beware Of
Medication interaction is a concern when caring for seniors because they are generally at the highest risk, due to the likelihood of taking numerous prescription and over-the-counter medications.
Below are interaction influencers that our SHC nurses watch for:
- Grapefruit juice can have an adverse effect on a growing number of medications.
- Leafy greens (vegetables containing vitamin K) can decrease the effect of some drugs, such as the blood thinner, Coumadin.
- Dairy products may interfere with absorption of antibiotics into the blood stream.
- Tylenol should be avoided when using prescription pain killers that contain acetaminophen.
- Some over-the-counter cold medicines may contain sugar, which is to be avoided by individuals with diabetes. The same applies for alcohol.
- Additionally, over-the-counter decongestants and multi-symptom cold remedies may worsen high blood pressure.
- Alcohol can also increase the side effects of medicines. It is generally recommended that you avoid alcohol, which can increase or decrease the effect of many drugs.
These are just some of the common interactions to watch for. You should always speak with your doctor or pharmacist before starting a new medication, or if concerns arise.
At SHC, our nurses monitor medication conditions to ensure that seniors enjoy the highest possible quality of life. If we may be of any help to you or a loved one, please let us know.
Source: SHC Blog
The Great Forest Park Balloon Race
The Great Forest Park Balloon Race is another must do if you live in Saint Louis or even have the chance to visit the weekend of the race. The event starts off Friday night with the Balloon Glow, where each of the balloons are inflated and lit for several hours after dark. This is such an awesome experience and a true sight to be seen. The following day, around 3 - 4 pm the Balloon Race takes off, with several balloons inflating and taking off at the same time. This provides some amazing sights and excitement to see which one gets off the ground.
Friday, Sept. 19 - Balloon Glow 7:00pm to 9:15pm
Saturday, Sept. 20 - Festivities Begin 12:00pm
Balloon Race Launching at 4:30 pm
Lollipop Garden Thermometer
Gardeners and weather-watchers alike will appreciate the accuracy of this La Crosse® outdoor thermometer. No batteries needed! Instead, it uses a metallic power coil to measure temperatures from -40°F to 135°F. Large numbers on the 9" dial are easy to read. Lollipop design with detachable ground rod makes an eye-catching accent. Weather-resistant aluminum. 1-877-648-8400