Newsletter Archive
2018 │ Edition 1

Dear Friends,
As we start a new year, I’ve enjoyed looking back at all that we accomplished in our 30th Anniversary year. It was wonderful celebrating with you – our clients, caregivers and community partners. I look forward to reaching new heights and taking on new challenges in the year to come.
We’ve recently had several exciting changes that I would like to share with you. Most notably, we redefined our company mission, vision and core values.
While we still adhere to the same principles that SHC was founded on, I felt it was time to reassess the mission and core values that I originally defined 30 years ago. The new vision maintains the same dedication to service, with a fresh focus to help further SHC’s success and positive impact on the community.
Please review our new mission, vision and core values to the right.
Another change that you will begin to notice is an update to our company uniform. We will soon begin transitioning to a new SHC uniform, which will consist of a blue collared shirt and khaki or black pants.
I hope that everyone stays safe and warm during this chilly winter season. I look forward to spending another year working with you.
Kit Whittington
RN, BSN, Founder
SHC’s New Mission, Vision & Core Values
Dignified Care with Compassion
Making “Home” the Best Place to Live
Core Values:
Winter Fall Prevention Tips
Winter and the holidays should be times of joyous celebrating with family and friends. Unfortunately, studies have shown a direct link between cold weather and falls.
Ice and snow presents a serious danger for anyone venturing outdoors in winter, but it is especially unsafe for elderly adults.
Here are some suggestions for preventing falls in the elderly during winter:
- Plan ahead. When possible, plan trips around the weather. If you do not need to go out, don’t go out. Wait for conditions to clear.
- Allow enough time to get where you are going. The chances of falling increase when you rush and use less caution.
- Exercise caution when getting into and out of vehicles. Always hold securely to a door or another person.
- Look for the safest route to your location, including the paths into buildings. Choose alternate routes when necessary.
- Ask for help. Ask someone to help you navigate slippery or unsafe paths.
- Concentrate on the path ahead. Take your time and walk slowly and deliberately. Try to place each foot flat on the ground with each step.
- Wear appropriate footwear. Wear shoes or boots with rough-textured soles that provide good grip in all kinds of weather conditions.
- Avoid carrying items. Wear gloves if necessary to keep hands free for stabilization and balance.
- Use handrails when they are provided. Holding securely to a handhold can prevent a fall if you should slip.
- Clean your shoes after going inside. Snow and ice can freeze onto the soles of shoes and become treacherous, even indoors.
We cannot change the weather, but we can take measures to prepare and be safe.
SHC Client Testimonial
Thank you for the services your company afforded me while I was recuperating. I thought it was going to lead to needing assistance from now on, but I found I haven’t reached that point yet. Kim was a great help to me and was willing to do anything I needed. She is a very kind and thoughtful person. Whoever gets her will be lucky.
-Margaret V.
Amazing Benefits of Being a Grandparent
Grandchildren do more than make you smile—they can help you stay sharper, be more active, and live longer.
- You are more active. Taking a grandbaby on a neighborhood stroll or running around the yard with older kids benefits their health and your own.
- You have a lower risk of depression. The benefits of grandparenting continue as grandchildren grow older. Boston College researchers found that an emotionally close grandparent-adult grandchild relationship was linked to fewer symptoms of depression in both generations.
- You keep learning. Getting involved in your grandchildren’s activities can help your brain. Learning new technology with your grandchildren offers similar benefits.
- You have a stronger immune system. Hugging or holding hands with grandchildren can strengthen immunity and help you age better. When exposed to more touch, people often have a decrease in inflammatory cells and increase in white blood cells. A University of Virginia study found that hand holding can reduce pain and lower blood pressure, and related research has linked hugs with decreased stress levels.
- You're motivated to take care of yourself. When a grandchild enters the picture, you may start to think about future events you want to help celebrate—from first steps to college graduation.
- Keeps you social. Grandchildren can help fight off loneliness. In addition to interacting with kids, it also helps you interact with people your age by bonding with other grandparents.
Don't have grandchildren?
Experts suggest that those without grandchildren or strong ties to family consider volunteering with children or getting a pet. Pets can improve depression, get people walking, and are there to cuddle.
Source: Reader’s Digest
Get to Know…Marcus Henderson
Marcus is a member of our Care Coordinators department, where he helps oversee scheduling matters and match caregiver personalities and skillsets to client needs. In addition to his office duties, Marcus is part of the after-hours on-call team.
Fun facts about Marcus:
- Hopes to one day complete a triathlon
- Guilty pleasure is watching and reading Game of Thrones
- Enjoys cooking but hates cleaning up afterwards
Safe winter driving tips
- Clear snow and ice from windows, lights, the hood and roof before driving.
- Leave plenty of room for stopping.
- Don't try to out drive the conditions. Remember the posted speed limits are for dry pavement.
- Know the current road conditions.
- Brake early and correctly. It takes more time and distance to stop in adverse conditions.
- Be wary of bridges. They freeze before the surrounding road.
- Exit ramps sometimes have less anti-icing material than the main line. Be aware of this when exiting the highway.
- Don't use "cruise control" driving in wintry conditions. Even roads that look clear can have sudden slippery spots.
- Many 4x4 vehicles are heavier than passenger vehicles. This means it takes longer to stop than passenger vehicles. Don't get overconfident in your 4x4 vehicle. Be wary of your 4x4 vehicle's traction.
- Look further ahead in traffic than normal.
- Trucks are heavier than cars, making their brake time slower. Avoid cutting quickly in front of them.
- Leave room for maintenance vehicles and plows. Stay back at least 200 feet and don't pass on the right.
- Remember to slow down and always wear your seat belt.